Welcome to OLMC!
Extraordinary things happen here, and we’re delighted to share them with you!
As an educational ministry of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish, our school exists to make saints. That’s not a sterile vision of kids locked away behind stained glass, listlessly waiting for some far-away Heaven. Quite the opposite: Saints are people who embrace and effect the will of God here and now with their whole beings, and in so doing become the most powerful force for good the world can ever know. They are vibrant, bold, and unabashed leaders.
Saints are people like John Henry Newman, whose academic scholarship was so impactful during his lifetime its legacy endures across every continent more than 150 years after his death. They’re like Dorothy Day, whose commitment to peace and passion for justice made her one of the most influential figures of the mid-20th century. Saints are like Philip Neri, whose charismatic and joyful nature won him - and God - true friends wherever he went.
Saints eagerly pursue full flourishing in every way, including physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. They strive to reach their full potential in mind, body, heart, and soul so that their gifts and talents can be used effectively in the service of a world in need. And they trust that God’s plans for them are good and will lead to happiness, contentment, and love.
The task of “making saints” really means helping children become the men and women God had in mind when He formed them. It means preparing them for the lives of unique and eternal purpose He has in store for each one. For us, there is no greater work, and we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity.