Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in Boonton, New Jersey serves families with students in pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade.
Our goals are nothing less than to nurture excellence in the whole person; equip each student for the fruitful pursuit of happiness; and impart to them the conscience, courage, and competence to be an inspiring example of hope.
We strive to help students love and live out what is most lovely so that we might awaken their imaginations, inspire their minds, and inflame their hearts for lives of eternal purpose. Orienting them by the guiding stars of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, we prepare them to imitate Christ and be a Light to the Nations.
OLMC School provides an education that is distinctly Classical and authentically Catholic.
Students are educated by cultivating the natural aptitudes that contribute to human flourishing and fuel academic, moral, athletic, and artistic excellence.
We believe human beings naturally long to share, by knowledge and love, in God’s own life; therefore, we encourage Sacramental devotion and an appreciation for the rites and traditions of the Church.
We believe knowledge does not eliminate wonder and awe but informs and deepens it through an intimate relationship between the knower and the thing known; therefore, we prioritize active student engagement in humble but robust inquiry and investigation. Class time is student-centric, with teachers serving as wise guides who encourage rather than authorities who lecture.
We believe the bodily dimension of human nature requires that education take account of the material conditions for learning; therefore, we honor the physical capacities and limitations of every student - such as attention span and focus - with a healthy balance of study, prayer, and play. In addition, we prioritize physical education and athletics in both our curricular and extracurricular offerings.
We believe students are moral agents capable of exercising meaningful choice, provided character formation has been interwoven with intellectual formation and pursued with equal fervor; therefore, we nurture habits of good character through structure and form, as well as patterns of behavior, in and out of the classroom. Accordingly, we offer high levels of competitive sport as a proving ground of character, maintain a wholesome and orderly school culture, and approach student discipline not in a legalistic manner but in an effort to foster in each student the capacity for self-control and self-governance in accord with the noblest of human aspirations.
We believe human beings recognize goodness not purely through precepts and propositions but also through their imaginations. Therefore, we enlist great literature and draw upon inspiring historical exemplars to frame students’ imaginative horizons. In this way, they can go beyond the limits of their own personal experience into a world of hope, creativity, and confidence in the goodness of God.
We believe the full flourishing of human life requires relationships. We therefore encourage the formation of a learning community of friends who together pursue deeper appreciation of truth, goodness, and beauty by inspiring and encouraging one another. School activities and social events serve students both by knitting them closer together and by providing occasions for shared joyful experiences. Athletic competition, the dramatic arts, musical performance, and extracurricular activities further deepen and enrich these social habits and friendships through the bonds of teamwork, a developed appreciation for responsibility to one another, and the satisfactions of shared striving after excellence.
We believe human beings are not the authors but rather the inheritors of a cultural and intellectual tradition, and that it is our sacred responsibility to pass on to the next generation what we ourselves have inherited. Therefore, we carefully take account of the particulars of our time in order to safeguard the repository of timeless wisdom from being lost within the context of our passing day.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is a member of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is an affiliated member institution of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School pre-kindergarten is taught in the Montessori tradition.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is accredited by Cognia.