Resources for Parents
Parents often ask us for resources they can use at home both to continue their own journeys of lifelong learning and also to validate and reinforce their children’s education.
The best advice we can offer is to read to and with your children as often as possible. The benefits will be manifold and long-lasting, both for them and you. Our library is filled with the best book recommendations for every age.
For further research: While not nearly exhaustive, the following resources inform our educational philosophy. We recommend these texts to parents who want to know more about the ideas that shape OLMC's approach to education.
Dorothy Sayers, "The Lost Tools of Learning"
Stratford Caldecott, Beauty in the Word
Stratford Caldecott, Beauty for Truth's Sake
Mortimer Adler, How to Read a Book
Mortimer Adler, How to Think about the Great Ideas
Mortimer Adler, A Guidebook to Learning
Anthony Esolen, Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child
Vigen Guroian, Tending the Heart of Virtue
Kirk Kilpatrick, Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong
James Schall, On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs
James Schall, The Life of the Mind
James Schall, Catholicism and Intelligence
E Christian Kopff, The Devil Knows Latin
Bruce Thornton, Bonfire of the Humanities
C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Philip Rieff, The Triumph of the Therapeutic
Gregory Wolfe, Beauty Will Save the World
Tracy Lee Simmons, Climbing Parnassus: A New Apologia for Greek and Latin
Carle Zimmerman, Family and Civilization
John Lukacs, History and the Human Condition
Karen Santorum, Common Graces
Bruce Thornton, Plagues of the Mind: The New Epidemic of False Knowledge
Vigen Guroian, Rallying the Really Human Things
Joseph Pearce, Small Is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered
Anthony O'Hear, The Great Books
Richard Gamble, The Great Tradition
John Senior, The Death of Christian Culture
John Senior, The Restoration of Christian Culture